Strength, Encouragement, Determination
We believe that family, church, and community are strengthened as women are encouraged to pray with intention, to hear the voice of God, to remain Kingdom minded in the home as well as the church and to have a determination to obey the Lord at all costs.

Leslie Bishop-Joe is the youngest of three daughters born in Paris, Kentucky to her late parents, Charles and Mary Bishop. She is married to Elder Clarence Joe, Jr. and they have four sons.
She is the Founder and Visionary of “LBJ Ministries/Led By Jesus Ministries, Inc. and has hosted "Women In Ministry Getaways" and "Connecting For Empowerment" destination conferences forover 16 years.
She is the Founder and Visionary of “LBJ Ministries/Led By Jesus Ministries, Inc. and has hosted "Women In Ministry Getaways" and "Connecting For Empowerment" destination conferences forover 16 years.

W.I.M. Vision
To be an arm of support to established churches, ministries and fellowships by connecting with and empowering women in various roles of ministry to function in their God-given anointing with wisdom, confidence, clarity of purpose, and Kingdom focus.
W.I.M. Mission
To strengthen families, churches, and communities at large by starting with the vital role of the woman that God has called to be a voice and force in the earth for such a time as this.
"Connecting for Empowerment"©
This is a movement which focuses on connecting Christian women from various denominations and regions across the United States and abroad. We will connect through Conferences and Seminars which serve to equip God’s women for excellence in life and ministry by building the spirit, mind and body.